MUST Taskforce on AI in Education and Ethical Governance

  1. Membership Composition:

  2. With the endorsement by the Senior Management, the membership of the Taskforce on AI in Education and Ethical Governance is as following:

    • Chair Professor Joseph Lee, University President (ex officio member)

    • Professor Lin, Zhijun, convener (delegated by the President)

    • Four senior faculty representatives from the following four cognate academic areas:

      1) Professor Cai Zhanchuan, Faculty of Innovation Engineering;

      2) Chair Professor Zhang Kang, Division of Medical Sciences;

      3) Professor Timothy Lee, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management

      4) Professor Yi Zaicheng, Faculty of Law; and

    • Professor Wang Wenmin, senior scholar with expertise in AI ethics and governance

    • Ms. Zhan Xichen, Director of University IT Development Office (ITDO)

    • Professor Jully Wong, professional expert/specialist nominated by University President

    The Taskforce is supported with an administrative staff, Ms. Lucy Choi.

  3. Terms of Reference:

  4. The main responsibilities of the Taskforce on AI in Education and Ethical Governance are as follows (AI = AI + other digital technologies):

    • To discuss and steer the formulation of internal policies, systems, and regulatory guidelines regarding the applications of AI within the university in light of international best practice;

    • To oversee the effective applications of AI in teaching, research, and administration;

    • To evaluate the ethical issues and the impact of AI on university operations.

    • To recommend practical measures to enhance safety and ethical risk control in light of the specific operational context of the university;

    • To promote the awareness of the development and ethical issues of AI through proposing relevant workshops, seminars, and training programs;

    • To analyze behaviors that do not comply with relevant application guidelines and rules and recommend to the university's Risk Management Committee for follow-up action.

    The Taskforce will report to the Senate via the Senior Management.