MUST Taskforce on AI in Education and Ethical Governance
Membership Composition:
Chair Professor Joseph Lee, University President (ex officio member)
Professor Lin, Zhijun, convener (delegated by the President)
Four senior faculty representatives from the following four cognate academic areas:
1) Professor Cai Zhanchuan, Faculty of Innovation Engineering;
2) Chair Professor Zhang Kang, Division of Medical Sciences;
3) Professor Timothy Lee, Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management
4) Professor Yi Zaicheng, Faculty of Law; and
Professor Wang Wenmin, senior scholar with expertise in AI ethics and governance
Ms. Zhan Xichen, Director of University IT Development Office (ITDO)
Professor Jully Wong, professional expert/specialist nominated by University President
Terms of Reference:
To discuss and steer the formulation of internal policies, systems, and regulatory guidelines regarding the applications of AI within the university in light of international best practice;
To oversee the effective applications of AI in teaching, research, and administration;
To evaluate the ethical issues and the impact of AI on university operations.
To recommend practical measures to enhance safety and ethical risk control in light of the specific operational context of the university;
To promote the awareness of the development and ethical issues of AI through proposing relevant workshops, seminars, and training programs;
To analyze behaviors that do not comply with relevant application guidelines and rules and recommend to the university's Risk Management Committee for follow-up action.
With the endorsement by the Senior Management, the membership of the Taskforce on AI in Education and Ethical Governance is as following:
The Taskforce is supported with an administrative staff, Ms. Lucy Choi.
The main responsibilities of the Taskforce on AI in Education and Ethical Governance are as follows (AI = AI + other digital technologies):
The Taskforce will report to the Senate via the Senior Management.